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Communion With God Stimulates Divine Creativity in Worship and the Arts

Jan Balch writes the following: Since learning how to communicate with God through your course, I have been able to significantly reduce the time it takes to centre myself on Him.This has come in handy through the worship time at church as God repeatedly shows me visions and communicates with me. (Although, earlier on I tried not to listen as He told me to draw in church!)

Finally, God used my pastor as the kicker to get me moving in the area He wanted.My pastor came to me and said, 'Jan, you should bring your sketchbook and draw in church!' I argued a bit, this was not of my upbringing. My first reaction was to say, 'But pastor!People will think I am ignoring your message...not paying attention!'He laughed and said, 'Dear, if God gives you a gift, you are to use it to worship Him!Learn to use it His way and He will bless it!'

So, stepping out in faith, I brought my sketchbook to church and beganreceiving visions through worship that I sketched.These visions in many cases were prophetic in the areas of God's pouring out, God's making of warriors for His kingdom...etc.My pastor then decided I should take this one step further and built me an easel! 'This is too much, Lord!' I said, 'it shouldn't be about me, it should be about You!' (Drawing in the back pew is one thing; painting on an easel for all to see was another!)But, Jesus, being faithful, comforted me and changed my heart...showing me that the work I do, I do for Him, to bless others and share His impressions upon them. I began to paint in church!

We have posted several of Jan's paintings below. You may contact her to purchase 5X7 or 6X9 copies if you desire.

Large  |  Huge

-Acrylic on Canvas 16 x 20

The story behind this painting begins with the desire of the artist to break open in a more spiritual and artistic way. A wise young man said, Paint from your soul, Mom, not from your head! I stood before the blank canvas and asked the Lord to open up my soul, as my son had said. Open up my soul Lord, show me what You see! This is the result of that encounter with God. This was before I began painting or drawing in churchalmost a full year before. God works with us, no matter how long it takes, to prepare us for our journey!

Large  |  Huge

Break Forth
-Acrylic on Canvas 16 x 20
Isaiah 44:3

This creation was received as a vision at a worship service. It was my first time painting in front of a crowd. Although nervous, I was more excited to see what God had in store. The two hands showed a flood of water, mixed with blood, pouring out. God is offering His Church eternal living water. Upon the completion of the painting, the verse Isaiah 44:3 came to my mind as a representation of its meaning. As I painted this, God gave me another vision that was to be tied into itit is as follows.

Large  |  Huge

The River of God
-Acrylic on Canvas 20 x 26
Isaiah 35:6&7

This vision came to me while concentrating on the Break Forth painting. It was a continuation of that theme. God says in Scripture He will pour out. Isaiah 35:6,7. 

When I looked upon the painting that I had started with meadows and rocks along the river, it felt wrong.

I went to the Lord and prayed. I then decided to Gesso the bottom half of the painting. That was when the power of God in the painting took on a life of its own. That simple act became alive with power, the power of eternal water pouring forth from Heaven. The tree on the left represents the old churchGod is daring all of us to cross over His River to the new church (the 3 young trees)one of growth and strengthHe asks us are we ready? Upon further consideration of this painting, when one looks beyond the original and deeper into the picture, it becomes clear that Jesus face is within the waterfall. 

His face came about on His accord not mine (the artist) I was not intending to paint a face in there. That in itself is a miracle of God. He told me I would paint Him into my paintings, He wasnt kidding!


Large  |  Huge

Shadow of the Cross
-Acrylic on Canvas 16 x 20

This vision came to my heart as I was worshiping in church. The cross was the focal point along with its shadow. Then God showed me that His people, whom He loves, are standing under the shadow of that Cross.

His Glory shines down from heaven upon the scene. If you look at the hands carefully, you will find that some of the hands are open to Him, some partially opened, some closed, and some focused only on Him (pointing to the cross). God loves them all no matter where they are in their walk with Him!


Large  |  Huge

Jesus and Child
-Graphite Pencil Sketch - 8 x 11

This drawing came to me as I worshiped in church. A young child, aged 1 years, was walking and swaying to the music at the front of the church. She held her white blanket high above her head and then lay it down on the floorshe did this several times. She then held the blanket close to her, as though it was soothing her. This image of Christ being that blanket came to me and I started to draw. You will notice that she still carries the blanket in her hand behind Jesus back, that is because it represents to her the reality of the soothing Spirit of God in her life.







Links Which Explore Divine Creativity

  1. Release Divine Creativity - King David Journaled Out the Design for Solomon's Temple! 
  2. Spirit Born Creativity - book 
  3. 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice - book  
  4. Hearing God - for Intimacy, Healing, Creativity, Meditation and Dream Interpretation - book
  5. Mark Virkler Interviewed - Description of the Creative Process - audio 
  6. Creative Prayer and Downloadable file of the contents of this blog  
  7. A Banner for Jesus - An Expression of Divine Creativity by Linda Burton 
  8. Creativity, Innovation and the Kingdom of God by Bill Dupley 
  9. Release God's Creativity and Transform Society by Bill Dupley  
  10. Divine Creativity Rewarded 
  11. Can Non-Christians Receive God's Creative Flow?  
  12. Communion With God Stimulates Divine Creativity in Worship and the Arts  
  13. Vision of God Revealing "Divine Substance" - A Key to Creative Miracles by Karin da Silva


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