What's new with Mark Virkler, Charity Kayembe and CWG Ministries?
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God's Voice Worldwide
October 2022

A Personal Message from Mark Virkler

Founder of Christian Leadership University and CWG Ministries

Photo of Mark Virkler

This month we are pleased to offer you two free video events: “Everyday Angels,” which my daughter Charity will discuss below, and “49 Lies.”

Every lie we can identify and reject is one more step forward into our ultimate success, the fulfillment of our God-ordained destinies, and the advancement of the Kingdom of God through our lives. Who doesn’t want these three things!

I continue to be astounded by the lies I have believed and continue to see exposed to me every day. There appears to be no end to the lies being told in every arena. My initial list of 49 Lies dealt mostly with lies propagated by religion. One of the biggest ones was that there is a secular-sacred split, and we, the light of the world, withdrew from the world (especially when prayer was taken out of schools), and our world became darkened. Click here for charts showing the devastation that occurred in schools when prayer was removed in 1962.

When the German church stepped back and accepted Hitler’s lies to persecute a segment within the German society, millions died. The same is happening again today. IT IS TIME FOR THE CHURCH TO STAND UP AND BE THE LIGHT THAT ENLIGHTENS THE WORLD ONCE AGAIN (Matt. 5:14).

Right now it appears to me that many people are lying: many political leaders, many leaders in health care, many news platforms, and even many schools now want to indoctrinate our children into sexual perversion rather than educate our children in academic disciplines.

Darkness abounds, and the ONLY solution is for the righteous to arise and speak truth and live in the truth as we hear from the Spirit of Truth. "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come (Jn. 16:13).

So we must show people that you still can hear from God through the Holy Spirit Who lives within us, and we MUST listen to Him, (not evil, negative, accusative, fear-mongering spirits), and proclaim His truth to the world around us. THEN we are part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. Then, rather than bemoaning defeat at the hands of darkness, we can proclaim victory through our high praises in Christ Jesus (Ps. 149:6).

So let’s rid ourselves of these 49 Lies, and all other lies, and shine forth as bright stars as the Morning Star arises in our hearts (Dan. 12:3).

So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation (2 Pet. 1:19-20).

Don't forget to check out our Hidden Gems – 25% discount offer later in this newsletter.

Partner with the Lord of Hosts & His heavenly hosts.

Watch free. Then own it!

Everyday Angels Event

Free Video Event I: Everyday Angels (October 5-12, 2022)

We are providing complimentary viewing of all 9 sessions of this incredibly unique and fun series during our worldwide online event. Access to this valuable training is being offered at no cost, but only for a very limited time.

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
(Hebrews 1:14)

Register today and let your friends know so they, too, can safely and biblically experience angels in their everyday lives!

Register Now
49 Lies Event

Free Video Event II: 49 LIES (October 21 - November 2, 2022)

We are providing all 49 videos of this series just released in Spring 2022! Each session is approximately 5-12 minutes long. Find out the religious lies Jesus told Mark to STOP believing and make sure you don't believe them either!

Access to this valuable training is being offered at no cost, but only for a very limited time. You definitely don't want to miss this!

Register Now

Why Wait?

Get instant access to all these resources now. The complete e-learning modules of Everyday Angels & 49 LIES are available at 50% off (including valuable free bonuses). Or if you prefer hard copies and other options, the Everyday Angels or 49 LIES CD/DVD Packages are on sale for 25% off!

Invite Mark Virkler to Your Group by Zoom for Supernatural Ministry

Invite Mark Virkler to do a Zoom session with you and your friends!

Sessions can be times of personal ministry to one or several in the group or Q&A. One recent Zoom session involved Mark interviewing a woman in the group who had cancer. We began by interpreting her recent dream which revealed that she had unprocessed anger from past hurts which was allowing demons to attack.

We did inner healing, followed by deliverance and then prayed for divine healing. All pain left her back and shoulders. The group learned by observing this Spirit-anointed ministry and realized these are all steps they can easily take as they encounter people with needs.

Sessions can be an introduction to our most popular topics: Hearing God’s Voice, Prayers That Heal The Heart, Counseled By God (emotional well-being), Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions, Take Charge of Your Health, Dream Interpretation (receiving God’s counsel at night), Business Success, Financial Freedom, Spirit-Anointed Teaching, Living Naturally Supernatural, Releasing the Nine Gifts of the Spirit, 12 Exchanges Received at Salvation, 49 Lies, Spirit-Anointed Parenting, or The Art of Biblical Meditation.

Contact Mark to arrange for a Zoom session: Mark@cluonline.com. This can be a great way for you to kick off a multi-week series with your friends as you guide them through our Spirit-anointed trainings! Our videos can be played in your groups, and you can facilitate discussion and personal application of what has just been taught. A typical donation to CWG Ministries for a Zoom session is $250 and they generally run from 90 - 120 minutes.

100 Revelation-Based College Courses Direct To Your Home – Redeem This Time! Become Trained, Equipped, Empowered!

We have 100 CLU courses available, 65 fully electronic CLU college courses, 23 fully electronic CLU School of the Spirit training modules, and on our CWG website, over 50 electronic books with MP3s and video downloads. A blog with links to all these downloadable resources is available here.

ALL these can be ordered today and you can experience an enriching Sabbath rest!

Let each of us make this time count for the Kingdom! I am thrilled that we are able to send free Spirit-anointed training into thousands of homes in over 100 nations each month! It is truly an amazing world we live in. This has never been available in any previous generation. We live in the best of times. Let us never forget to "give thanks in everything" (1 Thess. 5:18).

See a listing below of my blogs from the last four weeks. I appreciate the opportunity to sow into your life! May we together discover how to live and walk in the fullness of the salvation Christ provided for us.

Helping Hands

Together we are saturating the world with communion with God

Bringing revival to individuals, homes, churches and nations

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Courses of the Month:
College-Level Training with a 50% Tuition Discount

THE315 Experiencing Angels: The supernatural realm permeates our natural world. Therefore, experiencing angels should be an everyday occurrence – we simply need to open our spiritual eyes to their reality and role in our lives. God’s angels are always ready to assist those who have inherited salvation.

Through powerful stories of angelic experiences and insightful teaching on the presence of angels, this course will reveal to you how angelic encounters are not reserved to a few favored individuals but are for everyone! Learn how to increase your awareness of the angelic so you can partner together with God’s ministering spirits every day. Discover how readily accessible this supernatural lifestyle really is!

THE121 Religion-Free Christianity: The law and the flesh always war against faith and Spirit. The battle is as old as Isaac and Ishmael and recounted for us clearly in Galatians chapters 3-5. Each of us battles daily between law and Spirit in our own lives.

Discover how God’s voice sets us free from the bondage of legalism and error. God’s vision is for a triumphant, empowered, overcoming Church that lives out of intimacy with His Holy Spirit. Learn what a church which is free of religion looks like. Let the Church be the Church! Let us be children of the faith!

Follow these steps to enroll in THE315 or THE121 and if you order by October 31st, you can request the CLU Course of the Month 50% tuition discount!

Enroll Today
Everyday Angels

Angels: A Supernatural Partnership

by Charity Virkler Kayembe

I am thrilled we are offering Everyday Angels as a free video event this month! There is so much needless confusion and ignorance around the topic of angels. Let's explore what Scripture reveals. Let's ask Jesus Himself about angels and see what He says! Get your questions answered. Lay your fears to rest.

In the book of Job, angels are repeatedly referred to as the "sons of God". This is important for us to recognize, because if we say that we honor God, then it only makes sense we would honor His family too. Most parents appreciate it when you go out of your way to engage their children rather than ignoring them! And so it is with Father God. We honor Him best when we interact with the angels He created for us (Heb. 1:14) and assigned to us (Ps. 91:11-12).

Just imagine a sports team who never gives the ball to their strongest, fastest team members. How do they expect to win if they don't ever engage the best players they have? I wonder the same thing about spiritual warfare. Angels are more powerful than we are, and they know the enemy's strategies better than we do. Why would we effectively "bench them" by not actively working together with them?

I had a dream recently where flight attendants and airline captains were all invited to a party, but then there was no food for them. The "people who fly" represented angels, and they were not being shown hospitality. This reminded me of Hebrews 13:2, where God clearly instructs us to entertain angels, to show them hospitality, to engage them.

But isn't it dangerous to interact with angels? YES... to the kingdom of darkness. It is dangerous to the enemy when we begin working with the company of heaven!

So what are we waiting for? Let's learn everything we can about these ministering spirits Father intended to serve and assist us, and purposefully partner together with them in bringing heaven to earth!

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We also had a fun interpretation testimony from our Dream Keys app included in my latest blog. God gave a wonderfully encouraging message to a reader that is a blessing to us all!

And finally, I am so excited to let you know about an interactive dreams course happening LIVE on Zoom during the month of November. Get all the details and register here. See you online!

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Meet your angels. Interpret your dreams. Experience the supernatural life you were created for.

How Do YOU Know?

Hidden Gems 25% Discount During October 2022: How Do You Know?

Overcome lies by applying God's system for discovering truth. How Do You Know? is the result of my exploration of hundreds of verses of Scripture on how the Bible says we are to discover truth. Before I did this study, I had just accepted the Western world’s version of truth and how it is known, which is NOT God’s way of how to come to truth. Obviously, if I use a faulty system for seeking truth, I will NOT come to truth. If I live in error, my life will be painful. This book will help you discover God’s approach for arriving at truth. You will be a better person for it.

Extended Description

During October 2022 this book or ebook is available at a 25% discount on CWG Ministries website by using coupon code: GEMS25

Be renewed in mind and transformed in heart as you discover the synergistic power of the multiple pieces of the puzzle which together releases the wisdom of God within you!

Order Now
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Join a Spirit Life Circle – Meets Weekly Providing Inspiration, Sharing of Revelation, Flow of the Gifts of the Spirit, Prayer and Friendship

We have launched a wonderful new opportunity which people have asked for many years: weekly gatherings where everyone shares journaling, revelation and inspiration, and then the group journals together and shares their journaling with each other. These are revelation-based weekly gatherings where you are stimulated to continue to press in to all the Spirit is saying to you. Wow! How good is that? This link describes Spirit Life Circles in detail, and lets you know how YOU can get involved!

Learn More

"4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice" Now Free in 55 Languages!

It is with great joy and heartfelt thanks to God and 50 translators who have worked hard to translate our training materials on hearing God's voice and Christian spirituality into 55 languages! Many translators have provided this service as a free gift to the people in their nations because they passionately believed in the power of this message to bring transformation. We thank you for your gift of love and service!

If you know missionaries working with any of these 55 languages, please direct them to CWGMinistries.org/translations, so they can access these books, MP3s, videos and other resources at no cost.

Explore Translations

Copyright © 2022 Mark & Patti Virkler, All rights reserved.