Free worldwide video event: Naturally Supernatural!
I know exactly how to be "naturally Mark". I simply fix my eyes on myself as the one doing everything, I figure things out and I exert my own strength. And yup, I am naturally Mark in the flesh.
Well, the cool thing is we can all be naturally supernatural by using the above process with only a slight change. Rather than looking to self, we look to Jesus. We picture Him at our right side (Acts 2:35), and we ask for His input in everything. Then we tune to flow (smile so we are relaxed and flow can kick in), and we release Jesus rather than releasing self.
It is as easy as can be. Just the simple adjustments of fixing our eyes on Jesus (the One Who is Immanuel, God with us), and tuning to flow (His Spirit which flows as a River within). With these simple steps we move from self to the anointing, from religion to Christianity, from weakness to strength, from man's wisdom to God's wisdom. We have learned to live and walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25). It's not hard. It's simple and childlike. But the results are powerful.
Now we experience God's power, wisdom, strength, anointing, blessing and loving companionship. How could anything that is so simple be so profound in its impact?
Leave it to God to require we become this childlike in order to experience His Kingdom. Any six-year-old can do these steps, and so can we, once we re-train ourselves to get over ourselves and celebrate Jesus at our side, always, at all times, and especially in our darkest hour.
Yes, the country is quite dark right now. I sure don't want to fix my gaze upon that, or I WILL be depressed and lose the joy of the Lord, and be powerless to promote change in the world. Now wouldn't that make satan happy! YUCK!
So in this series we break the steps down so everything is crystal clear. Sessions are:
- “The Wretched Man Syndrome” - Exactly how to live mucked up
- God Is All and in All - Stepping into the vision of true reality
- I Am a Vessel - I contain the God of the universe
- I No Longer Live - I get over self-initiated living
- Christ Is My Life - I let the Spirit initiate all my steps (flow)
- I Am Dead to the Law - I sure don't fix my eyes on the law as that is death
- I Live by the Spirit - I picture Jesus at my side, ask for input and tune to flow
- I Live by Faith That God Is Immanuel - I BELIEVE the River within IS REAL!!!
- Living Naturally Supernatural - I step into miracle-filled Christianity
- Examples of Biblical Characters Learning These Lessons - They struggled as we do
- The Skills Acquired in the Wilderness - God leads us there to learn these lessons
- Re-Reading the New Testament - Now with new eyes, the Bible is fascinating!
- A New Theological Box or the Experience of Divine Encounter? - Eden restored!
Make sure you forward this to all your friends. They WILL thank you!