Attend a live seminar with Mark or Charity and experience an impartation! Itinerary here.
This month we are providing worldwide access to our number one training module, Hearing God’s Voice. You can register here to watch it for free.
I was 25 when God led me to invest a year of my life learning how to hear His voice. I had been a Christian for 10 years, and lived in depression much of that time as I was trying hard to live according to biblical law. Of course, I found I couldn’t keep it, so that was producing death in me in the form of depression.
My added frustration was that no one was clearly stating that hearing God’s voice is as simple as 1) quieting myself down, 2) fixing my eyes on Jesus, 3) recognizing His voice as flowing thoughts and 4) writing down the flow of thoughts that are coming to me, so I can test them LATER!
That is a million-dollar sentence, yet I didn't hear it from anyone, so I was locked out of walking and living by the Spirit and instead forced to live by the law (see Romans 7 & 8).
Now it is 47 years later, and I have taught these 4 Keys continuously on six continents. Most people who learn the 4 Keys turn right around and share them with their family and friends, so we have no idea how many millions of people today are using them and being transformed by the voice of their Wonderful Counselor! Nearly 100 books by others have included these 4 Keys in them as well.
We have also created Christian Leadership University with over 100 courses that require students to hear from God each week. I am not aware of any other university in the world that offers this. A degree from Christian Leadership University powerfully transforms your life and equips you for Spirit-anointed ministry. Check it out! We would LOVE to have you as a student. (Call 1-800-466-6961 for more details.)
Since everyone is desperate for wonderful counsel amid the evil that is currently being unleashed upon the world, I encourage you to do all your social media friends a great service and forward this newsletter to them along with your testimony of how your life has been transformed through hearing God’s voice.
Be part of the solution. Promote revival in people’s lives. They will turn around and share it with their friends, and revival fire WILL sweep the world once again!
How many times did revival touch Israel in the Old Testament? How many times has revival swept the world and swept through America in our 200-year history? It IS coming again, and you can help precipitate this great move of God by spreading this free training to all whom you touch.
Together we can bring transformation to the world. Ask, “Lord, what am I to do?”
How you CAN spread revival fires EASILY by creating a group!
A few months back, my son Josh ran our 4 Keys video training to a Zoom group of friends from his church. It was 10 weeks of 90-minute sessions. I did the teaching by video. Josh followed this up by having participants journal, share their journaling, and then they closed with a Q&A time. This was fairly easy for him to do, and produced great results. I visited his church over Christmas and two people approached me to thank me for teaching them how to hear God’s voice during that Zoom video series!
So, together with Josh, we have created a DETAILED instructional blog and video so you can easily take the same steps he took. We have even created an inspiring promotional piece that you can cut and paste and send out to your friends on social media inviting them to the 10-week series with you.
You can use this process with this month's training on Counseled by God, or with any of our video courses. Together we can take people to a whole new place in their spiritual walk.
Now revival fires can spread easily! What a gift the worldwide web is to the expansion of the gospel. And YOU have the opportunity to maximize this gift to the glory of God!
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Let the gospel ring out from your home!