What's new with Mark Virkler, Charity Kayembe and CWG Ministries?
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God's Voice Worldwide
May 2024

A Personal Message from Mark Virkler

Founder of Christian Leadership University and CWG Ministries

Photo of Mark Virkler

Attend a live seminar with Mark or Charity and experience an impartation! Itinerary here.

This month we are providing worldwide access to our number one training module, Hearing God’s Voice. You can register here to watch it for free.

I was 25 when God led me to invest a year of my life learning how to hear His voice. I had been a Christian for 10 years, and lived in depression much of that time as I was trying hard to live according to biblical law. Of course, I found I couldn’t keep it, so that was producing death in me in the form of depression.

My added frustration was that no one was clearly stating that hearing God’s voice is as simple as 1) quieting myself down, 2) fixing my eyes on Jesus, 3) recognizing His voice as flowing thoughts and 4) writing down the flow of thoughts that are coming to me, so I can test them LATER!

That is a million-dollar sentence, yet I didn't hear it from anyone, so I was locked out of walking and living by the Spirit and instead forced to live by the law (see Romans 7 & 8).

Now it is 47 years later, and I have taught these 4 Keys continuously on six continents. Most people who learn the 4 Keys turn right around and share them with their family and friends, so we have no idea how many millions of people today are using them and being transformed by the voice of their Wonderful Counselor! Nearly 100 books by others have included these 4 Keys in them as well.

We have also created Christian Leadership University with over 100 courses that require students to hear from God each week. I am not aware of any other university in the world that offers this. A degree from Christian Leadership University powerfully transforms your life and equips you for Spirit-anointed ministry. Check it out! We would LOVE to have you as a student. (Call 1-800-466-6961 for more details.)

Since everyone is desperate for wonderful counsel amid the evil that is currently being unleashed upon the world, I encourage you to do all your social media friends a great service and forward this newsletter to them along with your testimony of how your life has been transformed through hearing God’s voice.

Be part of the solution. Promote revival in people’s lives. They will turn around and share it with their friends, and revival fire WILL sweep the world once again!

How many times did revival touch Israel in the Old Testament? How many times has revival swept the world and swept through America in our 200-year history? It IS coming again, and you can help precipitate this great move of God by spreading this free training to all whom you touch.

Together we can bring transformation to the world. Ask, “Lord, what am I to do?”

How you CAN spread revival fires EASILY by creating a group!

A few months back, my son Josh ran our 4 Keys video training to a Zoom group of friends from his church. It was 10 weeks of 90-minute sessions. I did the teaching by video. Josh followed this up by having participants journal, share their journaling, and then they closed with a Q&A time. This was fairly easy for him to do, and produced great results. I visited his church over Christmas and two people approached me to thank me for teaching them how to hear God’s voice during that Zoom video series!

So, together with Josh, we have created a DETAILED instructional blog and video so you can easily take the same steps he took. We have even created an inspiring promotional piece that you can cut and paste and send out to your friends on social media inviting them to the 10-week series with you.

You can use this process with this month's training on Counseled by God, or with any of our video courses. Together we can take people to a whole new place in their spiritual walk.

Now revival fires can spread easily! What a gift the worldwide web is to the expansion of the gospel. And YOU have the opportunity to maximize this gift to the glory of God!

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Let the gospel ring out from your home!

Become a friend of God. Converse with Him daily.

Watch free... then own it!

Hearing God's Voice Event

Free Video Event: 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice (May 9-22, 2024)

We are providing all 10 sessions of Mark's signature message. This is his most-requested workshop based on the book which has outsold his 50 other books combined. Access to this valuable training is being offered at no cost, but only for a very limited time.

We will be showing both the Classic Edition (10 hours) and the Abridged Edition (5 hours) during the video event and including the Abridged Edition MP3s and video downloads as free bonuses when purchasing the full e-learning module on sale. These are ideal to share in a Zoom session or home group meeting.

Register today and let your friends know so they, too, can experience a more intimate conversational relationship with their heavenly Father, just like Jesus did.

Register Free

We're excited that 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice was also released on our CWG Streaming Service! You can sign up to get instant and unlimited access to this entire series, plus our other 300+ Spirit-anointed training videos, while providing recurring monthly support to our ministry. Start your free 7-day trial today, and finally feel good about binge-watching!

Only through May 22nd, get 25% off the Hearing God's Voice Guaranteed packages at cwgministries.org.

Plus, the complete e-learning module is on sale for 50% off until May 22nd.


Your love and support are heart-warming to us. You can become a regular supporter through donations here, and/or through subscribing to our CWG video subscription service.

Again, thank you!

Daily Manna

  • I am now writing uplifting blogs DAILY: Sign up here to receive them.

  • Don't forget to check out our Hidden Gems – 25% discount offer further below: How Could I Have Been So Wrong?

Invite Mark Virkler to Your Group by Zoom for Supernatural Ministry

Invite Mark Virkler to do a Zoom session with you and your friends!

  • Sessions can be times of personal ministry to one or several in the group or Q&A.

  • Sessions can be an introduction to our most popular topics

  • Contact Mark to arrange for a Zoom session: Mark@cluonline.com. This can be a great way for you to kick off a multi-week series with your friends as you guide them through our Spirit-anointed trainings! Our videos can be played in your groups, and you can facilitate discussion and personal application of what has just been taught. A typical donation to CWG Ministries for a Zoom session is $150 and they generally run from 90 - 120 minutes.

100 Revelation-Based College Courses Direct To Your Home – Become Trained, Equipped, Empowered!

We have 100 CLU courses available, 65 fully electronic CLU college courses, 23 fully electronic CLU School of the Spirit training modules, and on our CWG website, over 50 electronic books with MP3s and video downloads. A blog with links to all these downloadable resources is available here.

ALL these can be ordered today and you can experience an enriching Sabbath rest!

Let each of us make this time count for the Kingdom! I am thrilled that we are able to send free Spirit-anointed training into thousands of homes in over 100 nations each month! It is truly an amazing world we live in. This has never been available in any previous generation. We live in the best of times. Let us never forget to "give thanks in everything" (1 Thess. 5:18).

See a list below of some of my blogs from the last month. I appreciate the opportunity to sow into your life! May we together discover how to live and walk in the fullness of salvation Christ provided for us.

Additional blogs from the past four weeks can be found here.

Helping Hands

Together we are saturating the world with communion with God

Bringing revival to individuals, homes, churches and nations

Become A CWG Partner - Earn Perks!
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Courses of the Month: College-Level Training with a 40% Tuition Discount

REN103/503 Communion with God: Have you ever wished you could sit down and have a long talk with the Lord? When you’re worried or confused, wouldn’t you love to see the situation from His perspective and hear how He wants you to respond? When things don’t seem to be going your way and your prayers aren’t answered the way you had hoped, wouldn’t it be great to hear Him tell you where He is in the midst of it, and what He is working out in your life?

Jesus promised that “My sheep hear My voice” (Jn. 10:27). If you are one of His sheep, then He is speaking to you and you are hearing His voice! The problem is that we have not learned how to recognize His voice and differentiate it from all of the other voices that bombard our hearts and minds. This course will help you discern the voice of the Lord within your heart, clearly and consistently, leading to a deeper intimacy with Him as well as greater faith, hope and joy. Your life will be transformed!

Follow these steps to enroll in REN103/503 and if you order by May 31st, 2024 you can request the CLU Course of the Month 40% tuition discount!

Enroll Today

10 Ways to Get in Spirit

by Charity Virkler Kayembe

I had a wonderful time ministering at a women's conference this past weekend and it was powerful to hear testimonies of the ladies' supernatural encounters during our activation times.

Next up, we are looking forward to an Everyday Angels workshop in just a couple of weeks. I will be teaching at Revival Glory Ministry Center in Pennsylvania, and we invite you to meet us there! Get all the details and register online here.

We received excellent feedback on my recent podcast interview where I briefly touched on various ways we can slow down our brainwaves, effectively moving us from our head to our heart, in order to perceive and engage the spirit realm more easily.

Based on the excited interest from our listeners, I just released an article diving deep into that subject. If you haven't seen it yet, definitely check out: 10 Ways to Get in Spirit. Try them all and let us know your experiences. We'd love to hear what works best for you!

Product Image

Hidden Gems 25% Off During May 2024: How Could I Have Been So Wrong?

Because we can celebrate mistakes as they are all part of the learning curve, here is one of my biggest mistakes and what I have learned from it.

Extended Description

During May 2024 this video download package, MP3 download package, and ebook are available at a 25% discount by using coupon code: GEMS25

Order Now
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Join a Spirit Life Circle – Meets Weekly Providing Inspiration, Sharing of Revelation, Flow of the Gifts of the Spirit, Prayer and Friendship

We have launched a wonderful new opportunity which people have asked for many years: weekly gatherings where everyone shares journaling, revelation and inspiration, and then the group journals together and shares their journaling with each other. These are revelation-based weekly gatherings where you are stimulated to continue to press in to all the Spirit is saying to you. Wow! How good is that? This link describes Spirit Life Circles in detail, and lets you know how YOU can get involved!

Learn More

"4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice" Now Free in 55 Languages!

It is with great joy and heartfelt thanks to God and 50 translators who have worked hard to translate our training materials on hearing God's voice and Christian spirituality into 55 languages! Many translators have provided this service as a free gift to the people in their nations because they passionately believed in the power of this message to bring transformation. We thank you for your gift of love and service!

If you know missionaries working with any of these 55 languages, please direct them to CWGMinistries.org/translations, so they can access these books, MP3s, videos and other resources at no cost.

Explore Translations

Come Receive an Impartation!

We have upcoming events scheduled at the following locations. Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you there!

More info available here on our website.


Copyright © 2024 Mark & Patti Virkler, All rights reserved.

Communion With God Ministries 3792 Broadway St. Cheektowaga, New York 14227 United States