We are excited to offer you two free video events this month! The first is our Counseled by God 35th Anniversary Edition. Wow! Hard to believe it was 3.5 decades ago when I first wrote Counseled by God, and this month we are offering my newly recorded set of videos on it. Can I teach this better 35 years after I wrote the book? You can check out the videos and decide for yourself.
In this series I say that the key to emotional health is to receive wonderful counsel from the Wonderful Counselor. Therefore, I get you journaling about all the big emotional issues we face. These include fear, anger, accusation, depression, inferiority and much more. I combine Scripture meditation of key verses which relate to each of these emotional conditions so that you are exploring the topic biblically, under the illumination of the Holy Spirit, and then asking God “What do You want to speak to me concerning this?”
His revelation brings us back to the kingdom emotions of peace and joy. In today’s upside-down world we need to be hearing from Him or we will not be having peace and joy. If I didn’t believe God ruled, I would be full of fear, terror, depression and anger. ONLY by hearing His voice am I freed of these things in a world that is saying right is wrong and wrong is right.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness (Isa. 5:20). The Bible says “He who returns evil for good, Evil will not depart from his house” (Prov. 17:13). God is going to deal with the wickedness we see around us, and we do our part by praying for God to remove the wicked and lift up the righteous. In addition we vote, and contact our congressmen, letting them know your opinion on matters they are voting on. If God is calling you to minister as a politician, then run for office. Prayer and action are what the Bible teaches.
Look for our second free worldwide video event also taking place this month: Prayers That Heal the Heart, also recently revised and expanded. This is one of our most popular messages, second only to the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice! It builds beautifully on the Counseled by God teaching, taking you even deeper into spiritual freedom and emotional wholeness.
I encourage you to take them both in and soak up the revelation in these sequential training events during the month of June. Be set free of lies you believe, generational curses, and negative expectations that are sabotaging your life. Experience the breakthrough you have only dreamed of through prayers that heal YOUR heart!