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Wow! This month we are offering Counseled by God 35th Anniversary Edition Free Video Event from April 15-24th. I can hardly believe it has been 35 years since God taught me these truths, and they are more needed today, by all of us, than ever before. Plus, I have learned a few new things, one of which I would love to share with you right now.
Perfect peace is available today as long as our imagination is fixed on the Lord.
"The steadfast of mind (“yetser” = imagination) You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You" (Isa. 26:3).
If anyone is watching the news today, they stand to not be in perfect peace because of all the evil, lies, slander, and wickedness we see around us. Yes, God is allowing us to see the darkness, so we can become united in voice, prayer and action for God to sweep our nations and our world with a massive worldwide revival, which is the next thing in store for us!
However, if we fix our eyes on the evil and not on the Lord, we will have messed up emotions, which in turn, messes up our physical health. (Indeed, 85% of visits to doctors have emotional distress at the root of the issue.)
Leadership is automatically transferred to those who remain optimistic, and we all want to be leaders, spreading light in the darkness. We need constant daily counsel by God to keep us emotionally whole and filled with His kingdom realities of joy and peace (Rom. 14:17).
Forward this newsletter to all your friends so they can know the steps of how to walk in victory in the midst of darkness. They will thank you. You will be spreading revival. You will be sharing light in the midst of darkness. Jesus shared light while under the corrupt Roman government. We can sure do the same!
How you CAN spread revival fires EASILY!
A few months back, my son Josh ran our 4 Keys video training to a Zoom group of friends from his church. It was 10 weeks of 90-minute sessions. I did the teaching by video. Josh followed this up by having participants journal, share their journaling, and then they closed with a Q&A time. This was fairly easy for him to do, and produced great results. I visited his church over Christmas and two people approached me to thank me for teaching them how to hear God’s voice during that Zoom video series!
So, together with Josh, we have created a DETAILED instructional blog and video so you can easily take the same steps he took. We have even created an inspiring promotional piece that you can cut and paste and send out to your friends on social media inviting them to the 10-week series with you.
You can use this process with this month's training on Counseled by God, or with any of our video courses. Together we can take people to a whole new place in their spiritual walk.
Now revival fires can spread easily! What a gift the worldwide web is to the expansion of the gospel. And YOU have the opportunity to maximize this gift to the glory of God!
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Let the gospel ring out from your home!