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daily word - first commandment?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think breaking the first commandment is a serious matter and a common occurrence today? What do you think of as the first commandment? You shall have no other gods before me? You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? How about, you shall not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? I offered a choice to Adam and Eve, that they could live in relationship with me, or they could figure things out on their own.

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daily word - rich?

Dale Cresap's picture

I have chosen the poor to be rich in faith. Do you understand this? Have you observed this for yourself? Troubles come to all, but the rich have enough money to buy their way out of it, and they can proceed with their life as if nothing had happened. The poor know that they cannot be their own salvation and when troubles come they have no resources available to deal with them other than to trust in me. By this method the wealthy avoid opportunities for growth and development and the poor become rich in faith. Do you want to be rich enough to buy your way out of trouble?

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daily word - secure?

Dale Cresap's picture

What do you see as your basic identity? Does being a child of God seem too simple? Do you feel the need to embellish this with group identification, academic and other achievements, titles, offices, successes, skills, and honors? Be careful. Anything you attach your identity to you must defend at all costs, because you must regard an attack on it as an attack on the essence of your being. These are not false or bad things, but they are not the real you either. Don’t you find it tedious to be around those who are so insecure they must spend their time proving they are somebody?

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daily word - narcissism

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think narcissism is a serious and widespread problem today? Do you find it easy to identify in other people? This is basic selfishness that has gone by various names and has been a characteristic problem of humanity from the beginning. Do you know anyone who thinks it is a problem for them? By inference, would you know if it is a problem for you? My word gives the cure. Deny yourself, lay down your life, and pick up your cross and follow me. But there are more people who can readily identify narcissism in others than those who are eager to embrace the cure for themselves.

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How Do I Come Back to God After I Have Committed a HUGE Sin?

Mark Virkler's picture

When we fail, we can beat ourselves up for several hours, days or months, or we can be cleansed instantly and return to peace and rest. Demons howl in laughter if I beat myself up, for I have removed myself from God’s presence, and stepped out of the Kingdom of peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17) and into the kingdom of demonic lies and accusations.

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daily word - heaven here?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you expect to go to heaven when you die? Do you think that you went to heaven when you were born? Do you think of this as a fallen world and see only problems? This is a negative and inaccurate view. Consider the conditions that you inherited that are favorable to life. The magnitude of gravity is just right for you. The atmospheric pressure which depends on it is perfect as is the composition of air.

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daily word - happiness?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard that you can’t buy happiness? This has become such a mindless cliché that people do not ask the next obvious question. If you can’t buy happiness, then how do you get it? If the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental right then how can you obtain it? The first premise above implies that it lies outside the realm of commerce. I have a destiny for you that is as unique as your DNA. I don’t intend to keep it a secret from you but you won’t find it if you don’t look for it.

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daily word - quality of criticism?

Dale Cresap's picture

How well do you receive criticism? Do you find it easy to receive correction when it is given graciously in love? What about when it is not? What about criticism that is mean and harsh? Do you find it easy to dismiss correction that is not given in love? Yet it may be just as valid as criticism that is. It takes a greater measure of grace to receive mean criticism, but I call you to a level of maturity that the only thing that matters is whether you will benefit from it. Joseph told his brothers that what they meant for evil God meant for good.

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God Says I Am Healed Yet Symptoms Persist

Mark Virkler's picture

Restless leg syndrome started seven weeks after open heart surgery. I prayed for healing and then journaled and God has told me I was healed physically. Yet the symptoms of the infirmity persist. So now what do I do? Acknowledge I still have restless leg syndrome, or acknowledge that I’m healed?

Download this “Inner Healing for an Organ – Prayer Worksheet and complete it (free and interactive), or you can do your journaling in your journaling notebook.

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