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daily word - inclusive?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself as inclusive and accepting or exclusive and intolerant? These divisions have created warring camps between large groups of people merely by identification with one group or another. But the same principle can be seen on a very small scale as well as on a large scale. Have you ever been in a conversation where some people were excluded because they knew nothing of the topic or terminology? Should you be required to limit conversation to the lowest common denominator?

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We ALL Need a WONDERFUL COUNSELOR as Covid 19 Becomes a Worldwide Pandemic

Mark Virkler's picture

The amazing thing is that we DO have a Wonderful Counselor! Yes, it is true schools and colleges and sporting events have shut down. Businesses, stores, cruises, and theme parks have closed. Nations have sealed their borders. Fear is ready to surmount reason.

In the midst of this, the Bible says:

For a child will be born to us … the government will rest on His shoulders… His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6).

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daily word - burned bridges?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard of burning your bridges? Have you ever done it? This implies dealing with an offense in such a way that reconciliation is impossible, not only today, but forever. How do you think I feel about this? You know how I feel about reconciliation. If your brother has anything against you go and be reconciled to your brother before you bring your offering to me. If you must have closure let it be in a positive sense. You do not know what tomorrow will bring. Even if you cannot deal with your brother today, don’t make it impossible to be reconciled to your brother tomorrow.

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daily word - who are you?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have a strong sense of identity? What does it consist of? The search for identity is inherent in the human condition. I placed it within you. Have you noticed how many people identify with their favorite team, or fictional characters in stories, or their car, or house, or what they wear, or how they earn their living? Yet all of these things are chosen rather than inherent. Are they expressions of your true identity? All could be altered or done away with. Some are tenuous connections and some are imaginary.

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Covid 19, Fear, Panic, Revelation, Reason and Anointed Action

Mark Virkler's picture

I received an email today which included the following questions: What are we to think about the Corona Virus, the nation's/world's response to it?  The collapse of our economy, the sequestering of peoples.  Are we in the tribulation, last days?  How does this fit into prophecy?  How do I manage the fear I have for the safety of my children, grandchildren, and for our jobs and abilities to buy food and survive?  I feel ill equipped to navigate these waters. 

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daily word - heavenly reward?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you expect to get a reward in heaven? What would you expect? Money? Recognition? There are descriptions of extravagant wealth, but that will not be as meaningful a concept to you there as it is here. What is your reward in this life for following me? Don’t you describe your faith as a relationship with me? Wouldn’t you describe your friendships here as more enriching, satisfying, and fulfilling than anything monetary? Do you see your friendship with me as better than any other? So the relationship itself is the reward, and you don’t have to wait for heaven to get it.

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daily word - answer for everything?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have an answer for everything? Is it reasonable to expect this from anyone? I have called you to have an answer for the hope that lies within you, but this is not the same thing and is not nearly so ambitious as having an answer for everything. Do you understand that you are engaged with an infinite divine mystery? Do you know that it is OK to admit that there are things you don’t understand? Why do believers so readily accept the premise that they must be able to answer every question? Witnesses can only testify to what they have experienced firsthand.

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daily word - wheat and tares

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the story of the wheat and the tares? Wheat is valuable and tares are weeds. The workers volunteered to remove the tares immediately, but the master was concerned that the wheat would be damaged in the process, so they were allowed to grow together and separated at the time of harvest. How eager are you to judge those things that need to be removed and condemned? I’m willing to be patient and allow them to grow side by side. There is another reason for this besides the concern for damage to the growing crop. In the economy of my kingdom tares can become wheat.

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daily word - spirit or human?

Dale Cresap's picture

What do you see as the purpose of your faith? Do you see yourself as a human trying to be spiritual, as the lesser trying to gain greater stature? Is it possible that you have it backwards? You are inherently spiritual because you are made in my image. Do you see your spiritual quest as a means for improving your humanity? You do spiritual activities to help others and support your church, but I have offered you and called you to transformation. If you become more loving it will make you a better person, and be noticed and appreciated by believer and unbeliever alike.

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